Guest gallery - upload

Please read below text!

The following text has been translated with Google

How to upload a picture!

1. Press "Durchsuchen" / "Search".

2. Take a picture or search for an existing picture.

3. Press Upload picture. (Please only press once)

4. After the upload, the image is displayed and can be rotated or deleted again.

Uploading may take some time, depending on image size and internet connection.

Please click the button "upload picture" only once and wait until the picture appears on the page.

Please note !!!

Each picture is checked by us before publication. We only accept pictures that were created on the Christmas market.

If group photos are taken, then all recognizable persons in the picture should agree that they are published here on this website.

Your current IP will be saved in our database until the image is deleted.

If your image does not appear on the website within 24 hours, we have deleted the image and the associated IP.

After 2017/12/24 no further pictures can be uploaded.